
Nebraska Towns Ravaged by Multiple Tornados

Nebraska Towns Ravaged by Multiple Tornados

Nebraska Towns Ravaged by Tornado Jackson NielsenRecently, eastern Nebraska has been plagued by a slew of storms which have wreaked havoc on the towns of the great plains. Most notably, numerous tornadoes caused significant damage near Lincoln, Blair, and many suburbs...

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The Odyssey of Jose Hernandez

The Odyssey of Jose Hernandez

The Odyssey of Jose Hernandez Jackson NielsenThere are few men willing to make the walk to battle against formidable foes. Few men, within their lifetimes, will stand across from another man and look them in the eyes knowing they will be attempting to inflict damage...

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Angel’s Landing in July

Angel’s Landing in July

Angel's Landing in the Blazing Summer of Utah Jackson NielsenThe day was hot and dry, unlike the dripping humidity I was used to in my home state of Nebraska. The Utah desert rushed by in a blur of oranges and reds as I peered out the window of the free Zion shuttle...

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Jackson Nielsen

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