Two Columns; One I Agree With, the Other I Don’t

Jackson Nielsen

This week, I was tasked with reading through a variety of columns and choosing two to blog about; one I agree with and one that I don’t agree with. So to begin this blog, I’ve chosen Ezra Klein’s The Unsettling Lesson of the OpenAI Mess. Klein talks in detail about Sam Altman’s firing from Open AI, the creators of ChatGPT. This was due to seemingly muddy reasons that ended up being stated as “a lack of communication with the board”. What I mostly agreed with in this article is the second half where Klein goes into detail about how the government needs to and has begun the process of laying the framework to regulate artificial intelligence’s capabilities. I have previously gone into detail about regulations on AI so I am definitely in agreement with Klein on this topic. Klein goes into detail about what processes the future may hold to regulate AI. Measures such as demanding a watermark be added to all content produced using AI as well as “hardening cybersecurity for powerful A.I. models and tracking the materials that could be used to build various kinds of biological weapons, which is one of the most frightening ways A.I. could be used for destructive ends”. These are all great things which I could not agree with more.

 On the flip side of this is a column that I do not agree with. This comes by way of Shadi Hamid’s Is polyamory the future?.  In this column, Hamid discusses the rise in individuals being more open to relationships with multiple partners as opposed to just a single, monogamous relationship. He never directly states whether he is in agreement with this topic or if he disagrees with it but I am more so disagreeing with the date that is presented than Hamid himself. Furthermore, it is my belief that the joys of marriage should be reserved for two people who love each other. Anything outside of this can be summarized as adultery which is not held in high regard to me. Hamid mentions in his column that this could all be due to a social contagion effect. People may see other couples living polyamorous and begin to lust for that themselves. But I for one, do not see the appeal in this lifestyle.

The Unsettling Lesson of the OpenAI Mess

Is polyamory the future?